Installation Requirements

Supported architectures:

Software requirements:

Get started with STANDALONE presets

Configuration and deployment of the model is done automatically by the script found in the build directory.

cd $BFMDIR/build
./ -h

The user-dependent options are set either through the command line of the script or by adjusting (or adding) an architecture file in directory $BFMDIR/compilers. Default file is The standard GNU gmake variables are used for compiler and archiver names.

If preset is not specified (see below), the STANDALONE configuration is compiled by default with the command

./ -gcd

(see the script help for details on the options) and if successful will produce the following output

.................................. Makefile is ready.
STANDALONE generation done!
Starting STANDALONE compilation...
STANDALONE compilation done!
Go to $BFMDIR/run/standalone and execute command:

The execution of the configuration script creates the executable and the running environment for the default preset of the STANDALONE model. The list of the available presets is obtained with the command

./ -P 

The generated namelists are copied to the directory $BFMDIR/run/standalone and the model is run by executing

(./bfm_standalone.x &> outputfile to redirect the output messages to a file in bash.)

The following test cases are available:

Surface layer model in a temperate pelagic water column and sediment return fuxes with seasonal sinusoidal variability (STANDALONE)

./ -gcd -p STANDALONE

Seaice ecosystem layer mode under realistic external forcings (STANDALONE_SEAICE)


In the tools folder it is avalilable the standalone_diag python script to produce the figures of the model output for standalone configurations.

All details about model description, installation, compilation and model code structure are available in BFM Core Manual (see Documentation section).